Gardeners World episode 9 2015
The team are at the RHS Malvern Spring Festival, which celebrates its 30th birthday this year. From the designs used in the show gardens to new and exciting plants in the floral marquee, Monty Don, Joe Swift, Carol Klein and Rachel de Thame are on the hunt for the very latest ideas we can all draw inspiration from for our own gardens.
It’s best to stake herbaceous perennials before they get too tall and start to flop. It doesn’t matter what you use. Monty likes to use metal hoops he’s made himself, but bamboo canes with twine strung between them work just as well. Whatever you go for, place the support snuggly around the plant in question and within a few weeks, you won’t even notice it’s there!
Annual weeds can grow at quite a pace in the spring, especially when the weather is warm and wet. Hoeing is often the best way of dealing with them on the veg plot, provided you do this on a dry day with a sharp hoe. Lightly skim the surface of the soil, cutting through the weeds as you go. There’s no need to gather them up – just leave them to shrivel in the sun.
It’s really important to harden off any plants that have been raised under cover, and that includes plants bought from the garden centre. A coldframe is ideal for this, but if you don’t have one, a sheltered corner will do. After a week or so, the plants will have acclimatised and after then, can be moved to their final position.
In Gardeners World episode 9 2015:
1. Stake herbaceous perennials
It’s best to stake herbaceous perennials before they get too tall and start to flop. It doesn’t matter what you use. Monty likes to use metal hoops he’s made himself, but bamboo canes with twine strung between them work just as well. Whatever you go for, place the support snuggly around the plant in question and within a few weeks, you won’t even notice it’s there!
2. Hoe your veg patch
Annual weeds can grow at quite a pace in the spring, especially when the weather is warm and wet. Hoeing is often the best way of dealing with them on the veg plot, provided you do this on a dry day with a sharp hoe. Lightly skim the surface of the soil, cutting through the weeds as you go. There’s no need to gather them up – just leave them to shrivel in the sun.
3. Harden off tender plants
It’s really important to harden off any plants that have been raised under cover, and that includes plants bought from the garden centre. A coldframe is ideal for this, but if you don’t have one, a sheltered corner will do. After a week or so, the plants will have acclimatised and after then, can be moved to their final position.