Springwatch episode 12 2018
It is the last show of this year's Springwatch, and the team looks back at another fantastic series on the Sherborne Park Estate - the last that will come from the Cotswold countryside. Gillian Burke is back from her travels and joins Michaela Strachan and Chris Packham in Gloucestershire to round up the last three weeks. And even now the drama keeps coming, with four of the five great tits fledging, and the fifth, named plucky, coming within seconds of being snatched by a jay as it tried to get out too. The team take one last look at the live nests, including the robins, chaffinches, blackcaps and of course, the little owl which is still in the purist of the last blackbird chick in the barn. Patrick Aryee tags along on an exciting conservation project, getting involved with a hazel dormouse release in Warwickshire; and there are films from the west coast of Scotland on seals and basking sharks, a look at three remarkable spider species and a peek at a swift conservation project ...