
Showing posts with the label Agapanthus

Gardeners World episode 26 2015

In Gardeners World episode 26 2015, as autumn unfolds in the garden, Monty Don has plenty to be getting on with at Longmeadow. And in his quest to track down some of the nation's most remarkable allotments, Joe Swift visits a tropical paradise in Runcorn.   Gardeners World episode 26 2015:   Plant up dwarf irises in pots Not only is it time to put bulbs into the border, you can also plant them in pots. Bulbs like the dwarf iris, Iris reticulata, can provide stunning colour early next year. Place some very gritty compost in the bottom of a pot and place the bulbs on top, spacing them evenly apart. Cover them with compost, ensuring they are planted two or three times their depth. It’s a good idea to top dress them with grit and this will help prevent the petals from being splashed by the compost when it rains. Transplant rooted hardwood cuttings If you took hardwood cuttings this time last year, they should now have developed a good set of roots. You can either move them to thei...

The Beechgrove Garden episode 13 2015

Staying on a small scale, George is also back in his 'square metre' plot attempting to be constantly productive in the tiniest space. Post moved here: Chris is in mid-build of new garden for Euan and Jenny Maclean in Linlithgow, trying to take a nightmare site and turn it into a dream garden. Carole was in the propagation greenhouse (Rhino), damping down the floor of the greenhouse using a watering can. It was all change in here as lots of plants have gone out into the garden now including the summer bedding and half-hardy vegetables. The greenhouse was now being filled again with chillies, sweet peppers and an interesting range of aubergines. As well as warmth, these plants require high humidity, which is why Carole was damping down the floor in here. Carole pointed out an unusual chilli called ‘Alberto’s Locoto’ with hairy leaves and vivid purple/violet flowers. And the chilli fruit will be red and was sown from...

Gardeners World episode 16 2017

As the garden reaches its peak of summer perfection in this Gardeners World episode 16 : Monty Don gives advice on how to prune summer flowering shrubs, maintain the floral display and plans for autumn flowers. He also makes a return visit to Dublin to find out how world-renowned plantswoman Helen Dillon is progressing in her new garden. Joe Swift shows how good design should not hinder challenging conditions when he visits a garden in Kent, Rachel de Thame explores the vital role of scent in wild flowers and the insects that visit them, and we find out about the work of one extraordinary dahlia enthusiast. Nick Bailey has designs on a weekend project which will transform a front garden into a beautiful and practical space, and we meet a passionate gardener who has filled her small Cumbrian garden with 40 different varieties of wisteria. In Gardeners World episode 16 2017:   Agapanthus Agapanthus (African lily) are summer-flowering perennial plants, grown for their showy flowers, c...