
Showing posts with the label SETI

Calling All Aliens

Are we alone in the universe? This is the question at the heart of the work carried out by the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) community, which has been trying to capture signals of extraterrestrial intelligence with huge radio telescopes since the 1960s. Since 1977, a golden gramophone record has been travelling through space. Search in Space ep.1 The Voyager record contains greetings in 55 languages and music from Mother Earth. 30 years later, some researchers even want to load human DNA on a rocket. But this plan is causing trouble. In a worst case scenario, we are inviting hostile invaders to take control over the earth. Do we really want to give away our most important secret to everybody? Contact in Space ep.2 The two part documentary shows us a world where science and fantasy mingle, and where fictions inspire real research. CALLING ALL ALIENS shows the desperate yet hopeful believers behind their monstrous telescopes. In 2007, their search will reach a new dimen...

Are We Alone in the Universe ?

For fifty years, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been scanning the galaxy for a message from an alien civilisation. So far to no avail, but a recent breakthrough suggests they may one day succeed.   Horizon joins the planet hunters who've discovered a new world called Gliese 581 c. It is the most Earth-like planet yet found around another star and may have habitats capable of supporting life. NASA too hopes to find fifty more Earth-like planets by the end of the decade, all of which dramatically increases the chance that alien life has begun elsewhere in the galaxy. “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” So said sci-fi author Arthur C Clarke. We’ve been fascinated by the idea life may exist elsewhere, and for over 50 years the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (Seti) has been scanning the galaxy for messages from an alien civilisation to no avail. But the discovery of planets outsid...