Gardeners World episode 8 2016

Monty Don visits the RHS Malvern Spring Festival, where he is joined by Carol Klein and Chelsea gold medal winner Adam Frost.

With over 70 floral displays on show, Monty is on the lookout for scented plants to take back to Longmeadow, Carol advises on plants to buy for problem places in the garden, and Adam Frost takes a tour of the show gardens to find the best take-home design tips.

In Gardeners World episode 8 2016:

 1. How to grow Brugmansia

This evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub makes a large, striking container plant for a conservatory or cool greenhouse. It is grown for its bold, trumpet-shaped flowers, which are often deliciously scented. Although these plants are not fully hardy, they can be positioned outdoors during the frost-free summer months.

Brugmansia were once known as Datura, but that name is now used only for certain annual or short-lived plants with similar but less pendulous flowers.

 2. Japanese maple

Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) are small, deciduous trees grown for their graceful habit, autumn colour and beautiful foliage which may be coloured or deeply dissected. Many acers grow extremely slowly and are perfect in a smaller garden, grown in large containers.

 3. Rabbit-resistant plants

Rabbits graze a wide range of plants and can cause sufficient damage to kill young trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. This page provides some choices of plants that are relatively resistant to rabbits. There is no guarantee that any of the plants listed as resistant will remain free from damage in all conditions.

Recent plantings and soft growth in the spring can sometimes be eaten, even if the plants are not susceptible at other times. Gardeners in rabbit-infested areas may get some additional ideas by seeing what plants survive in neighbouring gardens.

 4. How to grow sweetcorn

Sweetcorn is delicious eaten fresh and there are some new selections that are easier to grow in the UK. Mini sweetcorn is a good choice if you haven’t grown your own sweetcorn before as, unlike the large sweetcorn, it doesn’t need to be grown in blocks and you should get five or six cobs from each plant. The plants also make a useful windbreak.

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