Gardeners World episode 19 2017

There are plans for propagating and planting at Longmeadow this week when Monty Don plants up a new bed of irises and takes pelargonium cuttings.

Nick Bailey brightens up a dull and shady space at the side of a terraced house and gives advice on plants that will thrive, Carol Klein pays the first of two visits to West Yorkshire to meet a couple whose outstanding planting has resulted in a garden full of late summer interest and Joe Swift takes a close look at a sloping and shady town garden to find out how the owner has designed this difficult space.

We also meet a gardener in Dorset who took on the challenge of an overgrown coastal garden to create an Italianate idyll and take an in-depth look at one of the most colourful of summer stalwarts - the pelargonium.

Gardeners World episode 19 2017 :

1. Irises for dry soil (bearded iris)

Classics of the traditional herbaceous border, and popular in contemporary garden designs, bearded irises welcome summer with their wide colour palette.

 2. Shade planting: annuals, bulbs and perennials

Gardens shaded by trees and buildings are increasingly common as gardens get smaller. Although north- or east-facing gardens can be cool and shady for much of the year, they can present some creative opportunities with well-chosen shade-tolerant plants.

 3. Hydrangea care

Hydrangeas are popular garden shrubs with delicate heads of flowers in shades of pink, white or blue and pretty autumn colour and leaf shape. The mophead and lace-cap hydrangeas are most well-known for their ability to change colour in different soils.

 4. Tips on Watering

To make the most of water, it pays to use it economically. It helps to understand the needs of plants and use techniques to prevent water loss from both plants and soil.

 5. Gardening on steep banks and slopes

Few gardens are completely flat but steep banks and slopes pose a particular challenge for most gardeners. Planting them up with the right plants can be a great long term solution.

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