Gardeners World 2018 episode 15 - Waterlilies, Clematis, Tree ferns
Monty catches up with maintaining his pond and gives advice on planting water lilies. He also gives tips on how to grow and plant herbaceous clematis as well as harvesting potatoes.
If you don't know your hybrid teas from your hybrid musks then Nick Bailey begins his guide to demystifying roses. Arit Anderson takes a trip on a canal boat to find out how volunteers are bringing plants and wildlife back into the city of Birmingham, Mark Lane gives his guide on how to get the cottage style look into your garden, and Adam Frost takes a tour of Woburn Abbey to explore the restoration of its Humphrey Repton landscape.
We also meet a woman who, in her 70s, transformed two acres of derelict swamp behind her semi-detached home in Manchester.
Instantly recognisable, waterlilies are possibly the most sought after of all waterplants. Choose from many elegant flower shapes and colours with attractive, lush foliage. With dwarf and large forms available, they are an excellent choice for a half wooden barrel, informal pond or the largest formal pool.
Tree ferns are slow-growing architectural plants with spreading fronds above a thick trunk. They make striking plants for a sheltered, shady garden. Tree ferns thrive in a sheltered, humid and shaded position, with plenty of room so that the top of the plant can spread without crowding. Fronds on mature specimens may reach 2m (6ft) or more in length. They should be planted in humus-rich, neutral to slightly acid soil.
Potatoes are hugely versatile and a staple ingredient of many meals in one form or another - boiled, mashed, chipped or baked. Potatoes are classified as being either earlies or maincrops. Early varieties are ready to harvest much sooner than maincrops and are what we call 'new potatoes'. Maincrop varieties are in the ground a lot longer. They have a better yield and produce larger potatoes.
Clematis is one of the most popular garden plants and no wonder; this versatile plant can be grown on walls, pergolas, frames, in containers, or left to scramble through trees and shrubs. Clematis need moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. The herbaceous species prefer full sun, but most climbers and shrub species will thrive in full sun or partial shade.
If you don't know your hybrid teas from your hybrid musks then Nick Bailey begins his guide to demystifying roses. Arit Anderson takes a trip on a canal boat to find out how volunteers are bringing plants and wildlife back into the city of Birmingham, Mark Lane gives his guide on how to get the cottage style look into your garden, and Adam Frost takes a tour of Woburn Abbey to explore the restoration of its Humphrey Repton landscape.
We also meet a woman who, in her 70s, transformed two acres of derelict swamp behind her semi-detached home in Manchester.
Gardeners World 2018 episode 15:
Instantly recognisable, waterlilies are possibly the most sought after of all waterplants. Choose from many elegant flower shapes and colours with attractive, lush foliage. With dwarf and large forms available, they are an excellent choice for a half wooden barrel, informal pond or the largest formal pool.
Tree ferns
Tree ferns are slow-growing architectural plants with spreading fronds above a thick trunk. They make striking plants for a sheltered, shady garden. Tree ferns thrive in a sheltered, humid and shaded position, with plenty of room so that the top of the plant can spread without crowding. Fronds on mature specimens may reach 2m (6ft) or more in length. They should be planted in humus-rich, neutral to slightly acid soil.
Potatoes are hugely versatile and a staple ingredient of many meals in one form or another - boiled, mashed, chipped or baked. Potatoes are classified as being either earlies or maincrops. Early varieties are ready to harvest much sooner than maincrops and are what we call 'new potatoes'. Maincrop varieties are in the ground a lot longer. They have a better yield and produce larger potatoes.
Clematis is one of the most popular garden plants and no wonder; this versatile plant can be grown on walls, pergolas, frames, in containers, or left to scramble through trees and shrubs. Clematis need moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. The herbaceous species prefer full sun, but most climbers and shrub species will thrive in full sun or partial shade.