Adolf Hitler the Itinerary

For 25 years, Harald Sandner, a history enthusiast, has traced the Fuhrer's itinerary from his childhood to the end of his life.  “Hitler – Das Itinerar” runs to a total of 2,500 pages and is published by Berlin Story, which presented it in a World War II-era Berlin bunker turned event space.

Entries range from the mundane, such as nights in certain hotels, to historic dates such as when Hitler gave the order to attack Poland, starting World War II. Among other findings, the book shows that Hitler travelled to Hamburg 75 times, despite the fact the Nazis hated the northern port city because of its “openness to the world,” said Sandner.

Asked about the risk of “fetishization” of the dictator, Sandner responded with a quote from German journalist and historian Sebastian Haffner. “The best way to fight against the infection of Hitlerism is knowledge about Hitler,” he said. “The best therapy is Hitler himself.”

Adolf Hitler the Itinerary Part 1: Assent of a Criminal

Harald Sandner, a history enthusiast, has traced Adolf Hitler's early life. From his childhood home, through his relationship with his family, the challenges he endured as a young man, and the home he made for himself in the German military. Follow the world's greatest murderer's rise to power.

Adolf Hitler the Itinerary Part 2: The War Leader

Harald Sandner continues his study of Adolf Hitler as he seizes control of Germany and plunges the European continent into the bloodiest conflict the world has ever seen. Harald meticulously notes every success and failure as the world's powers come together to put an end to this chapter in history.

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