Gardeners World episode 24 2016

Gardeners World episode 24 2016 is a another full hour of gardening, Monty is at Longmeadow giving advice on how to deal with unruly roses, taking cuttings of herbs and planting a new tree.

Carol Klein continues her series on plant families, exploring some of the most popular relations of the rose, and we pay a visit to an orchard in Worcestershire to find out how enthusiasts are caring for one of the rose family members - the plum.

Nick Macer is in London visiting a town garden where two different microclimates offer very different planting opportunities. Adam Frost reveals his plans for his new garden, while Flo Headlam is in the heart of Bristol, transforming unpromising grey spaces into vibrant green. And Jane Moore meets a gardener in Torquay who has designed and planted his garden with thousands of plants which reflect areas of the world from Asia to the Mediterranean.

In Gardeners World episode 24 2016:


Pruning plums

Fruits that contain stones are prone to a nasty fungal disease called ‘silver leaf’ and plums are particularly susceptible. Infection is more likely to occur during winter so for this reason it’s very important that stone fruit trees are pruned only during summer months. If a tree becomes infected with silver leaf branches develop a silvery sheen and may die and fall and/or fail to develop leaves the following spring.

The fungus is spread on air currents, by water splash and on pruning tools. Affected branches should be removed to stop the fungus spreading through the tree, cutting the branches at least 15cm (6”) beyond the point where infection is noticeable. If the tree is susceptible to silver leaf then it’s a good idea to paint the pruned wound immediately after pruning with wound paint.

Pruning roses

These general tips for rose pruning will help you improve the health and lifespan of any rose. Late winter (February or March) is often a good time for pruning roses but see the individual rose profiles above for more specific timing.

Rosemary cuttings

For flavour and freshness home-grown herbs are unbeatable. Sowing and harvesting herbs such as coriander, chervil dill, parsley and basil regularly, adds freshness and vibrancy to your cooking and cuts food miles to zero. Propagating your own herbs is a satisfying way of avoiding the high prices of supermarket bunched or container-grown herbs.

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