Gardeners World 2018 episode 1
In Gardeners World 2018 episode 1, a new gardening year begins at Longmeadow and Monty reveals his new plans for the year as well as taking stock of any winter damage. As well as seasonal hints and tips he is embarking on a mission to reduce the use of plastic in his garden and starts by exploring alternative containers to use for seed sowing.
Adam Frost brings his design expertise to a tiny back yard to demonstrate that no matter how small, with a bit of ingenuity, every space can count when it comes to gardening and we meet a Wolverhampton couple who have created an inspirational garden packed to bursting with surprises.
Cold, wet, windy winter weather can damage trees, shrubs and garden structures such as trellis. Improving shelter, staking plants, mulching, wrapping pots and careful matching of plants to places will help to prevent this kind of damage.
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Pruning shrub roses[/caption]
Rose pruning ensures that plants grow vigorously and flower well each year. There is great diversity among shrub roses but most require only light pruning. Many flower just once in summer and will bloom freely for years with little formal pruning.
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Stunning foliage[/caption]
Houseplants come in all shapes and sizes, many with architecturally stunning foliage, and others with beautiful blooms in every colour. Apart from regular watering and feeding, most require little attention. This short guide deals with houseplants which need to be indoors all year.
Sweet peppers – also known as bell peppers – are so versatile in cooking. They can be used raw in salads and cooked in stir-fries and casseroles. Peppers will grow well in a greenhouse, but will also thrive in pots outside if you place them in a warm, sunny spot.
Adam Frost brings his design expertise to a tiny back yard to demonstrate that no matter how small, with a bit of ingenuity, every space can count when it comes to gardening and we meet a Wolverhampton couple who have created an inspirational garden packed to bursting with surprises.
Gardeners World 2018 episode 1:
Preventing winter damage
Cold, wet, windy winter weather can damage trees, shrubs and garden structures such as trellis. Improving shelter, staking plants, mulching, wrapping pots and careful matching of plants to places will help to prevent this kind of damage.
Pruning shrub roses
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Rose pruning ensures that plants grow vigorously and flower well each year. There is great diversity among shrub roses but most require only light pruning. Many flower just once in summer and will bloom freely for years with little formal pruning.
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Houseplants come in all shapes and sizes, many with architecturally stunning foliage, and others with beautiful blooms in every colour. Apart from regular watering and feeding, most require little attention. This short guide deals with houseplants which need to be indoors all year.
How to grow your own: Peppers
Sweet peppers – also known as bell peppers – are so versatile in cooking. They can be used raw in salads and cooked in stir-fries and casseroles. Peppers will grow well in a greenhouse, but will also thrive in pots outside if you place them in a warm, sunny spot.