The Beechgrove Garden episode 7 2018

In Beechgrove Garden episode 7 2018 it's time to get all the bedding plants in this week, and to celebrate Beechgrove's 40th anniversary the summer bedding scheme is all colours of ruby. Brian Cunningham is back at Beechgrove having a look at how the alternative plants to dwarf box have fared over the winter, and he fills the gaps in between these shrubs with a range of colourful annuals.

Menawhile, Carole visits old friend Ian Christie in Kirriemuir to find out how he is getting on as he makes his preparations to exhibit alpines at Gardening Scotland in June.


The Beechgrove Garden episode 7 2018


Polytunnel Walk

A few weeks ago, Jim was planting a new range of strawberries, - 6 different varieties which were now settling in well. This year we have majored on red varieties of onions to celebrate the ruby theme. In order to continue the succession, Carole was now sowing some more spring onions directly into the raised bed. The soil was very dry so Carole watered the drill before sowing the seed. She then covered the drill and gently firmed it and then watered it again. This means that the seeds are in contact with the water to aid germination.

Dwarf Box and Annuals

Brian was at Beechgrove reviewing the progress of the dwarf box hedge replacements and doing some basic maintenance of the wee hedges. Last year Brian planted 9 varieties of potential replacement for box, as many box have been succumbing to the fungal disease, Box Blight. Gardeners of historic gardens using box hedging to edge parterres etc have been replacing their box hedging, so we decided to see which of the 9 alternatives to box would perform in a similar manner and which would survive the winters. Most of them have come through the recent wet winter and spring –but Osmanthus delavayi, has over the winter.

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