Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course episode 6

Today in Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course episode 6, Gordon’s cookery course continues, as he show us how to cook more delicious food on a budget. Recipes include leek and gruyere rosti with fried eggs, a delicious apple crumble and seriously impressive homemade gnocchi.

[video width="720" height="404" mp4="https://video-clump.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Gordon-Ramsays-Ultimate-Cookery-Course-ep.6.mp4"][/video]


The flavour packed vegetarian dish is perfect for entertaining :

Chickpea, Cumin and Spinach Koftas with Tahini Dressing


Wash the spinach, then place in a medium-hot oiled pan and stir until wilted. Drain thoroughly, squeezing out any excess water, then finely chop.

Toast the cumin seeds in a dry hot pan for about 1 minute until aromatic and golden, then grind in a mortar with a pestle.

Place the chickpeas, cumin and spices, along with a good pinch of salt and pepper, in a blender and blitz to a fine paste. (If the mixture looks too dry to hold together, add 2–3 tablespoons of water and blitz again.) Add the spinach, sprinkle in the flour and mix well to combine.

Dust your hands with flour, then take a tablespoon of the mixture and mold it into an egg shape. (If this is too tricky, simply roll it into a ball.) Repeat until all the mixture has been used, then place on a plate or tray dusted with flour. Chill for at least 1 hour until you are ready to cook.

Preheat the oven to 120°C/Gas ½.

Heat some oil in a pan and shallow-fry the koftas in batches over a medium heat for 2–3 minutes until golden brown on all sides and hot all the way through. Drain after frying, and keep them warm in the oven.

Combine all the dressing ingredients and season to taste. Add a little olive oil if you want a looser consistency.

Serve the koftas warm with the dressing on the side.

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